My new right knee gets put in on Feb 3rd! That means I should be ready for mid-March maple syrup season! Jan 21 we head over to Neilsville WI for the annual Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers meeting
If you are into maple syrup making and like web discussions, go to People all over North America visit about making syrup, equipment, maple shacks, etc.
This week I plan to attend a meeting at the History Research Center at River Falls. The info I received says:
A reminder that you are invited to attend one of two meetings hosted by the Area Research Center and the Polk County Historical Society discussing the possibility of National Heritage Area status for our region. These meetings are being held specifically for local historical organizations in the St. Croix River watershed to discuss how this effort could enhance the important work that is already being done in our communities. Please feel free to attend the meeting that is most convenient for you. Please RSVP to Jonathan Moore at 715-386-9490 or jmoore@scvfoundation.org by Monday, January 9 with which briefing you plan to attend.
The two meetings are at 2 pm Wed at River Falls and Friday at St. Croix Falls at the National River Headquarters.