St Croix River Road Ramblings

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Knee Knews

Had the stitches removed from my knee today. Looks like the new knee won't be put in until mid March--a nuisance as that is when maple syrup season starts. Luckily Margo has a good back and can carry all the pails this time around!

Two weeks ago I had the hardware removed from the leg and 25 stitches put in, all from the roofing work fall two years ago. We are now debating going south for a few weeks or so or not.

No snow in our yard in Pine Island--looks and feels like early November. My projects this week are to get all the old books out-of-print we have put together on Amazon's print-on-demand so anyone can order them for $15 plus postage of 3.50.

The Inter-County Leader newspaper didn't run my final column this week--it was somewhat critical of paper. Of course, it is posted here a week ago so you can judge if my dropping the column in the newspaper makes sense.

We are in the area where we get Iowa TV and the Iowans get MN TV out of Rochester and Austin--so we have been bombarded by advertisements, mostly attack ads. With the caucuses over until MN has theirs in Feb, we will get a break. Our own local politicians, Gov Pawlenty is probably kicking himself for getting out way too early, and Michelle Bachmann for staying in so long.

Check out the Luck historical society website at