St Croix River Road Ramblings

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Automatic Swedish to English

Bought a Swedish book at the Siren Methodist Book sale over the weekend.  Ljung och Liljor (Heather and Lilies) by S. Bergstedt 1900, Chicago.   

A little research on the Internet showed me Solomon Bergsted was a minister at the Trade Lake Baptist church in the mid 1890s.  The poetry book looks interesting, but I don't read Swedish.  

So using modern technology, I first scanned a poem that looked interesting, then ran optical character recognition (in Swedish with ABBYY finereader screen capture program) and then Google's Swedish to English Translator. 

Here are the steps. 

Optical Character recognition--turn a photo of a page into text that is editable. 


Nu snön är här! —
se fling-orna flygfä så lätta för vinden
och kyssa i farten på vindbitna kin-
Ha de mig- kär? [den. —
De skära små!
hur lustigt de dansa i tätaste ringar
vid vindarnes toner på skimrande vingar —
se på! se på!
Likt sommarns bi
i svärmande flockar de omkring oss komma,
en liknar en stjärna, en annan en blomma —
välkomna I!
Jag är er vän, —
blott stannen och höljen då väntande jorden,-
tills vårsol er bjuder med smältande orden:
Till Gud igen...

Google Translate gives

Now snow is here! -
see flake hands WINGED INSECT so light the wind
and kiss the fly on the wind-beaten cheeks
Having the me-love? [it. -
They cut small!
how funny they dance in the densest rings
the wind arnes tones on shimmering wings -
look at! look at!
Like the summer 'b
in swarming flocks those around us come,
one resembles a star, another a flower -
Welcome In!
I am your friend, -
only abide and casings when the waiting earth, -
until the spring sun melting your invites with the words:
For God again ...

And now the human cleanup (not so good either!)

Now snow is here! -
see the flakes, like flies, so light on the wind
A fly kissing me on wind-beaten cheeks
Does it love me? 
The cuts are small!
How funny they dance in dense rings
the wind chimes on shimmering wings -
look at them! look at them!
Like the summer bees
in swarms they surround us,
one resembles a star, another a flower -
Welcome In!
I am your friend, -
only stay and cover the waiting earth, -
until the spring sun melts you, speaking
to God again ...

$300 selection of bumper jacks on Ebay--probably enough to "do me out" as Dad used to day in his later years. 

Found 6 different kinds of lifting jacks in the barn at Mom's place.  Problem is all of them are broken, bent, rusted or otherwise missing parts.  The good ones, says brother Ev, have been already scavenged for the sawmill or for other use.  I guess taking them with a load of scrap metal  to Friebergs at Frederic and maybe they might have a usable one to trade.   Or maybe a wrecking yard.  Or I could use the handyman jack (a very heavy duty version of the bumper jack that I do have already--just hate to lug it around).