St Croix River Road Ramblings

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter Whites

In the summer, the landscape is green--so green that you get bored with it, you don't see it anymore and only when the browns of autumn take over and you look back at your summer photos, do you realize how truly green everything was. 

This winter, the whites came in November and have stuck until we have forgotten how it looked just a few months ago.  Reading the new seed catalogs helps a little, but the whites and grays are just getting old!!

If you notice, Ev, Byron and Russ are wearing ice-skates in the drive area in the yard at the farm.  

Deer Bed under the yard pines.  Margo is extravagant with the cracked corn for the birds and her adopted fawn, "Fluffy" appreciates it and stays a few 100 feet from the feeders even at night!

Went over to brother Marv's place and his huge long hill is plowed with an Olympic bobsled run type trail. Four grandkids were there sliding down the hill.  Reminded me of the old days when we iced the sled tracks on the hill by the house and spent our little free time there.  

A photo of last July to remind us what summer is like!