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Byron, VR, Russ, Marv, Ev and Alberta. Photo by Marley Hanson |
Two days before Parkinsons disease took my Dad, VR’s life, in 2004, a little short of his 90th birthday, he told us his story of the
great Armistice Day Storm of November
11, 1940 on the West Sterling Barrens. The people in the story have all passed on now
65 years later so the crime we reveal in this story is no longer punishable by
had started with two warm weeks that fall.
Dad, his older brothers Alvin and wife Betty, Maurice and wife Myrtle,
and Lloyd were wintering on the 260 acres their father owned as speculation
land in the far NW corner of Sterling
along the St Croix River . They had three separate cabins each built
with lumber sawed on the Hanson sawmill. Alvin
had kept a few cows and farmed the fields that summer. Maurice and Myrtle
worked in the fire towers and for the Conservation Department. Dad and Lloyd were just arrived from their
father's farm to spend the winter trapping muskrats, beaver, skunks, mink,
foxes along the St Croix .
November 11 dawned mild and very wet. Rain had saturated the sandy land so that as
Dad and Lloyd headed out in the morning to Cushing to buy their winter food and
supplies, all of the low spots in the road were under water. On the way, they met town board members
Clarence Westlund and Christ Christenson inspecting Evergreen Avenue .
"If you will take shovels and drain the puddles off of
this road before they freeze and we are stuck with ice all winter, we will pay
you double time for your effort." said Clarence. "We will start right now" replied
Lloyd borrowing shovels from the township.
By the time they had finished it was afternoon. The rain had changed to heavy wet snow, the temperature was dropping fast and the wind
picking up. "We better get home while we still can" said Dad. Dad was 26 years old. He was proud of his used Model A Ford. He had spent much of his summer farm wages
for it and the new knobby tires on the back.
The Model A with its high clearance and narrow tires with big round
knobs was thought to be a real winter car.
"I hope it doesn't snow us in for long--we need to get food"
he added.
The car struggled over the hills until they finally made it
home. Maurice met them looking worried and
asked Dad "Do you think you can drive over to Herman Brown's and pick up
Myrtle? She’s at Herman Brown’s cleaning
turkeys for the Thanksgiving market.” "I
give it a try!" said Dad, looking forward to the challenge.
Plowing through snow higher than its bumper, the Model A
chugged its way up the road. The heater
was barely noticeable and the manual windshield wiper kept one hand busy. Myrtle was glad to see him. She hadn't wanted to be snowed in away from
home. Sterling Township 's
old truck with its homemade wooden snowplow was unlikely to get the roads
cleared any time soon. Getting home was
even harder. A few of the hills took
several tries to get over, but finally about 4:00 they were home with the Dad and the Ford both proving
their mettle.
Deer hunting season was still a week away. The brothers had their guns, knives and
equipment ready and each hoped to get a deer during season to help feed them
during the winter. Alvin came over from his cabin to visit Dad
and Lloyd who were stoking the fire in their tar paper covered cabin. "It looks like we are going to be snowed
in for a long time" he commented looking at snow already over a foot deep
and drifting. "If you guys are
short on food, let's go see if we can get a deer. There is no chance Weitz will
be out today!" he chuckled referring to Chauncey Weitz, the game warden
who kept a tight rein on deer poaching in the Barrens.
The Conservation Dept (now DNR) was not very popular in West Sterling .
Sportsmen from all over Polk
County and beyond came to
the Barrens to hunt deer, about the only place they were still found at that
time. The wardens patrolled the Barrens
trying to keep deer for the outsider sportsmen to have something to hunt. The local people, many driven to the Barrens
by the Depression, felt they should have first crack at the deer for feeding
them year round, but rarely dared take a chance. Wardens would come right into your house
without a warrant and search it for signs of a fresh kill.
Dad and Lloyd headed down into the swamps along the river
on their big property, jump starting the deer hunting season by a week. The heavy woods blunted the wind, but the
snow was deep and falling steadily as was the temperature. Dad was still single. He hoped to make enough money that winter
trapping along the St Croix to make a down
payment on a farm of his own next summer.
Muskrats sold for 60 cents; skunks $1.00; mink $15; the
rare otter, beaver, fox, or weasel somewhere in between. Good days, he and Lloyd might get 10 'rats
along the St Croix and maybe a mink in one of
the many springs flowing down the hill along the river. This was at the time when farm work paid
$1.00 per 12 hour day when you could get it.
The wind howled
overhead, but the forest floor was sheltered and white, deep with heavily
falling snow making it difficult to see ahead.
Dad stumbled on a deer bedded down and almost invisible just ahead. He raised his rifle and shot at what he
thought was the head. Turns out it was
the tail. The deer jumped up, and took
off, obviously wounded. Dad quickly
followed and followed and followed for the next hour or more. There was blood, but the track filled in with
snow almost as quickly as it was made. Finally just as it got dark, totally
lost, but still following the track, he stumbled out on a road.
He knew he had to get home soon as it was truly getting
cold now and in the open the wind was bitter, blowing snow so you barely could
see ahead. He was pretty sure he was
on the north-south road past their cabin, and guessed he should go to the
right. He headed off with the assurance
of youth and soon was at home telling his story!
Next morning the snow had let up some. It was two feet deep and drifted higher in places. Winter had dropped in all of a sudden blanketing green grass and unfrozen ground. The deer was dead, just into the woods as
A few days later the temperatures warmed and the snow
melted. By the day before hunting
season, all of it was gone. Deer season
would bring dozens of hunters swarming into the surrounding woods and the
Warden haunting the roads.
All of the snow had melted except a set of foot high hard packed ice footsteps leading from Dad's cabin to a pile of deer guts in the woods! "We spent all day trying to get rid of those ice blocks" he laughed as he told us the story, "the best laid plans of mice and men mostly go astray!"
Dad did make his down payment on a farm near Bass Lake next
year, married and settled down to a life free of crime for the next 63 years. His sons followed his example and except for
spearing suckers in Wolf Creek 40 years ago have been free of crime themselves!