St Croix River Road Ramblings

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oxycodone High

One of the medications of choice for folks with pain, like me with my knee, is oxycodone (Oxycontin is the time-release version-a 12 hour buzz in a single pill).

I almost immediately lost the bottle I brought home by accidentally brushing it into my waste basket and sending it off with the garbage. However, I had 20 tablets left from my December earlier knee surgery, so could use them if necessary. Alternatively, I had Tramadol and Tylenol, as I had said I preferred not to use the oxycodone unless it was really necessary (which in the hospital, at times had been).

Oxycodone is a drug that people steal to sell on the illegal market. It is quite interesting--it kills the pain wonderfully and adds euphoria and loquaciousness to those of us who otherwise are remarkably dull. The drugees want it for the euphoria.

I have to be careful when I take it as I might just burst out into singing "Zippity Do Dah... What a wonderful day." I am not kidding here, I actually posted that on facebook yesterday after a two pill dose in the morning, while sending lengthy optimistic cheerful emails to a bunch of my friends.

I don't like it for that reason so am sticking to the alternatives except
when the pain gets really bad--then I turn off the phone, disconnect from the internet and strap myself to the bed and let the bliss flow over me for the next 4 hours.

I have 15 pills left; trying to hoard them for really bad pain, or when Margo returns from helping her Dad and gives me a hard time for not following my knee therapy (bend it back and straighten it until you yell at 80 decibels).

Written while not on Oxycodone