St Croix River Road Ramblings

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Years 2025

 New Years Eve and it is already 7:00 pm -- just have to stay awake for 5 more hours and I can celebrate 2025 gliding in. I have a pot of coffee, a big dish of Christmas cookies and watching old Castle TV re-runs alternating with House and Bones.

I hope you have your New Year's Resolutions written down or at least mentally checked off.
I am considering the following:
Do less with more,
Write longer Facebook posts
Practice solitude in public
Adopt a "do it tomorrow" philosophy
Read less
Practice benign forgetfulness
Nurse grudges with more enthusiasm
Join sexaholics anonymous
Make my bed often
One of my other goals for 2025 is to get the Hanson family history complete. I already have the early part researched.
"The ice receded in Skee, Sweden 15,000 years ago and Ole Luigi Hansson and the Missus migrated back from sunny southern Italy where his ancestor Lars Ole Hansson and family had gone 100,000 years earlier to escape the glaciers. Over the next 15,000 years the family advanced through the wood age, antler age, stone age, bronze age, iron age, plastic age and rock and roll age to become small farmers in the isolated Skee valley on the Sweden-Norway border. Generations of inbreeding with occasional Viking raids to bring in new blood bring us to the mid 1800s when Ole Lars Hansson got tired of breaking his plow on the same rock that 30 generations of his grandfathers had broken their plows. Buying many sticks of a new invention, dynamite, from his nearby neighbor, Al Nobel, he placed them under the rock’s edge hoping to break it loose. Well, the rock was not nearly as big as he had expected, and the blast flung it far into the sky. It landed on the top of the rich, corrupt and mean sheriff Hans Ole Johnsson’s house a quarter mile away doing great damage.
“Here is your inheritance—100 riksdaler” said his father Hans Lars Olesson, digging up the small metal box that held the family’s savings from many generations. “Run to Stromstad and get on the first boat to America and don’t turn and look back at those topless blond girls on the beach or you will be lost!” warned Hans. Great Grandpa sailed to Wisconsin; married a brown haired inland girl who wore three layers of clothes even at the beach; had a large family; and made his fortune helping farmers dynamite stumps around Cushing. His long use of dynamite damaged his hearing so bad that four generations of Hansons have inherited it. " There is much more in the book.
Happy New Year!